As an alternative to the more traditional office chair, new styles of ergonomic chairs have been designed to try to create good support, comfort, and promote good posture. These chairs may take a little getting used to, but typically become very comfortable over time. Use of these types of ergonomic chairs can be very beneficial.. read more →

Over time, poor posture may be caused by habits from everyday activities such as sitting in office chairs, staring at the computer, cradling a cell phone, carrying a purse over same shoulder, driving, prolonged standing, caring for small children, or even sleeping. Poor posture can easily become second nature, causing and aggravating episodes of back.. read more →

Back pain is one of the most common work-related injuries and is often caused by ordinary work activities such as sitting in an office chair or heavy lifting. Applying ergonomic principles – the study of the workplace as it relates to the worker – can help prevent work-related back pain and back injury and help.. read more →

For those of us who spend the majority of our working day in a desk chair, the news from health researchers the last few years has been decidedly bad. The central message of the researchers’ studies is this: the more time you spend sitting each day, the greater your chance of dying within the following.. read more →